Pennsylvania regulates costs and sets the pricing for title insurance, which means you pay the same rate no matter where you buy it. Our team of attorneys includes licensed title agents will ensure the protection of all your assets.
Insurance for Peace of Mind
Whether you’re a first time buyer, an experienced pro, or fall somewhere in between, buying and selling real estate can become a complicated, cumbersome process. It helps to have an attorney on your team when you’re buying a home or refinancing your mortgage.
Our attorneys use many years of experience and deep knowledge to protect your best interests. We understand and will guide you through the entire process—including getting title insurance.
While many people have heard of homeowners insurance, title insurance is a little different. Because a deal must fulfill various requirements—including proof of clear ownership and the seller’s ability to convey that property—title insurance protects and secures your legal claim.
When you have title insurance, you’re covered from financial losses if no one can settle title defects. Should you have to defend your ownership in court, the title insurer will cover those costs.
Banks and mortgage lenders require a lender’s title insurance policy, which protects the lender (your bank/mortgage company) against title problems. Adding an owner’s title of insurance protects your interests.
And since the fee for title insurance is state-set, it costs the same whether you work with a real estate attorney or not. It makes sense to take advantage of the added value you gain from your attorney’s legal counsel and advice.
Title Insurance Transactions
Our team of real estate attorneys write title insurance policies for a range of commercial and residential properties including farms and apartment complexes, mobile homes and new housing developments, single-family homes to duplexes or twins and multiplexes or multiple-family residential dwellings.
Why Choose Us?
A home or real estate purchase involves a significant investment of time and money. Of course you want to protect your ownership rights—and the best approach is to work with someone who understands real estate law’s complexities. Our team of real estate includes seven licensed title agents. Each will make sure your real estate assets have complete protection, the transactions meet legal requirements, and all property and titles have been appropriately secured. Because the state of Pennsylvania sets the fee for title insurance, it costs the same whether or not you work with an attorney. Working with our team gives you the benefit of their advice and counsel—and peace of mind.
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